Strategic Lead for Humanities: Mrs L. Bloomfield

Second in Department: Mrs R. Pocock

Click here to see how British Moral Values are taught in Humanities.


The History Curriculum is currently under review. The aim is to develop a coherent three year History Curriculum that is broad, balanced and driven by historical enquiry based questions.


What do we study?


Year 6

In Year 6 we begin our historical journey by studying the Romans. We look at the origins of Rome and the development of the Roman Empire including the invasion of Britain. We consider the impact of this invasion upon Britain and look at how far Britain changed as a consequence.

We move next to the East and study what has happening in a different part of the world between the 8th and the 14th centuries. This was the period known as the Islamic Golden Age where culture, the economy and achievements in the arts and sciences all flourished.

We conclude Year 6 by arriving back in Britain in 1066. We focus on the impact of the Norman Conquest and the huge changes that resulted. We also zoom in on what happened closer to home by looking at Yorkshire and where we live today.


Year 7

In Year 7 we build upon our knowledge of the changes brought about by the Normans and focus on the importance of the Church in the medieval period from 1066 to 1500. We look at the nature of society and what it was like to live in this historical period before considering the Black Death and its consequences. We then shift our focus to the Empire of Mali in the same period and look at the reign of Mansa Musa and what this can reveal about medieval West Africa. The answers may surprise our pupils!

Back in Britain we continue our chronological journey by looking at the period of the Renaissance and Reformation. We explore how the Church was being challenged in this period and the changes implemented by the Tudor monarchs. It was also a time of great social and political change with civil war and the movement of power from the king to parliament in the 17th century.

Finally, pupils will consider the question of whether the Industrial Revolution 1750-1900 was a time of progress. They will uncover what life was like for children and working people, examine developments in public health and the campaigns of reformers as well as looking at how historians have characterised this period.


Year 8

Building upon our knowledge of previous empires in history, we start Year 8 with an enquiry into the British Empire. We consider its development before we take an in depth look at India – including how a company managed to acquire India as a colony and the debate surrounding the 1857 conflict. We also discuss the legacy of the British Empire today.

Pupils will then examine the development of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and the longer history of slavery before looking at how this part of history has shaped the modern Britain we live in.

Year 8 will investigate the story of the votes for women movement in the 19th and 20th centuries and uncover why the history of Kitty Marion, a suffragette, was hidden away for so many years. As well finding out about this period of Britain’s past pupils will also gain insight into how historians work today.

The Civil Rights Movement in America was a political movement that aimed to establish equal rights for Black Americans. Pupils will consider the turning points and significance of this movement as well as looking at the impact closer to home - the 1963 Bristol Bus boycott and its consequences.

Our final historical enquiry is based around the First World War 1914-1918. Pupils will investigate this as a depth study and examine the global scope of the conflict. Their historical studies will continue from this point at Shelley College who will take up the story of the rest of the 20th century and beyond. We hope pupils will enjoy and be inspired by this fascinating 3 year historical journey here at Scissett Middle School.

Careers in this subject

  • Journalism
  • Law
  • Police
  • Museums
  • Architecture
  • Historic buildings
  • Performing arts and the media


In Geography we aim to develop a respect and responsibility for the environment around them and to consider how they can help to look after our world.

What do we study?

Year 6

Topic Description
My World
Pupils learn about their world, continents, countries and famous landmarks. 
Pupils will also learn about their local counties and areas. 
Activities will range from orienteering to describing their journey to school.
Map Skills
Pupils learn how to use maps, understand their importance and also how to use the different grid references. 
This term we will focus on improving their key skills in regards to spatial awareness.
Rivers and Mountains
This term, pupils focus on understanding the journey of a river from its source to the mouth. 
Key concepts such as transportation, erosion, and deposition will be covered. 
We will also look at famous rivers and their locations.

Year 7

Topic Description
Tourism Pupils learn about the importance of tourism and focus on the different types of tourism around the world. 
Pupils will answer questions such as “Which are the more popular countries and why?” “Are there any differences between holidaying in a richer or poorer country?
Settlements This term focuses on the different types of settlements around the world.
How have they changed from the past to the present?, Pupils will understand concepts such as settlement hierarchies and patterns.
Hazards Pupils learn about the exciting topic of hazards including earthquakes, volcanoes and floods. 
Pupils will understand the impacts of these hazards and the importance of the 3 P’s.


Year 8

Topic Description
World in Your Wardrobe
Where do our clothes come from? Should we care? Why are most of our clothes made in Asia? How important is Globalisation?. 
This is a new topic that encourages pupils to think more closely about their personal geography, where their clothes come from and its impact on them.


Some areas of the British coast are suffering due to coastal erosion. What can be done? Where are the worst affected areas? What will the coast look like in the future? What are the costs?


How do animals survive in the wild? What characteristics help these animals survive? What is a food chain? And how does it apply to an ecosystem?. 

To highlight the issue of climate challenge, every year, a selection of pupils from different years get together to come up with interesting ideas to aid the environment and reduce our carbon footprint.


Careers in this subject

Geography can literally take you places! Any aspect of Geography could launch you into a career. Interested in the environment or ecosystems? You could become a Conservation Manager or work for the Environment Agency. On a wider front, your career options could range from town planning, marketing or law to leisure, travel, tourism or teaching. Geography is the perfect subject to study alongside Science and Maths to create well rounded researchers, engineers and scientists. No career is off limits, Geography will keep your future options open!