Pupils Progress Monitoring Rewards

Twice each term, every child in the school is awarded a score for their attitude to learning and effort in homework by each of their teachers, which are based upon the descriptions in your child’s Assertive Mentoring folder. At the end of every term, the pupils whom staff deem to be working within the school’s expectations will be rewarded by being allowed to watch a film in the hall as well as being offered a drink and snack. For those pupils who are deemed to be working beneath the schools expectations, regular lessons will be attended.

As you are aware, the vast majority of our pupils work well in lessons; however, we hope that pupils will strive to achieve their very best and, for that reason, it has been decided that, for this term, the percentage of pupils being rewarded will be around the 60% mark. As you know, our monitoring system has been revised during the year and now, pupils considered to be ‘passive’ learners, will be awarded 2 points whereas, in the past, they might have been awarded 1. Hopefully, this will be clear; however, should you require further explanation then please contact your child’s Form Tutor of any member of the Pastoral Team on the usual telephone number.

3. A RELUCTANT LEARNER Demonstrates a negative attitude to learning, poor personal organisation and is reluctant to participate in lessons. Produces work that is below their level of ability and regularly needs bringing back to task. Work rate is slow and homework is often lacking. Lacks self discipline and finds work challenging. They regularly affect the learning of others with low-level disruption and shows a lack of respect for others’ ideas and viewpoints. Is reluctant to engage with written and verbal feedback from staff. Has a limited response to support from staff.
2. A COMPLIANT LEARNER Demonstrates a passive attitude to learning, adequate personal organisation and participates in lessons occasionally Works to a standard appropriate to their ability and follows instructions. Completes class work and homework activities to a basic standard relative to ability. Is able to work without disrupting the learning of others and listens to others’ ideas and views. Shows minimal engagement with written feedback from staff. Accepts support from teaching staff but does not seek it.
1. A COMMITTED LEARNER Demonstrate a positive attitude to learning, has good personal organisation and is involved in lessons. Works hard and takes pride in their work. Responds to instructions and requests. Completes class work and homework to a good standard relative to their ability. Is self-motivating and able to work with other pupils, showing respect for their ideas and views. Responds to targets and engages with written and verbal feedback from staff. Responds well to support and challenge from staff.
E. AN INDEPENDENT LEARNER Demonstrates an excellent attitude to all aspects of learning, has excellent personal organisation and participates constructively in all lessons. Works consistently hard and to the best of their ability. Their conduct is impeccable. Shows willingness to extend their learning and displays curiosity for knowledge. Works collaboratively with other pupils showing respect for their ideas and views. Demonstrates a determination to improve, responds to targets and engages with written and verbal feedback from staff. Demonstrates resilience and thrives on challenge.